Friday 1 March 2013

Laughter is.......

 Craig y Nos Parc after their wedding ceremony Anghared and Matin relaxing

       Having spent an entire week on my computer, closeted with the two romantic souls who married last week on Valentine’s day, I discovered that the gentle portraits I shot between the ceremony venue in Abercraf and the reception venue  at the Brecon Castle Hotel were not necessarily my favourite photographs of the day.

     I’m surprised at how often this happens and I imagine that possibly the couples themselves experience a similiar progression.  First checking out the images where they both look gorgeous and then maybe? preferring the laughter and shared special moments.

When it comes to carrying off his bride, no caveman could do it better.
 Beautiful Angharad pleased to discover her new husband has survived his efforts.

     The only problem with the computer is, it can't tell me what on earth Martin can have said to her
while the choir was singing to produce this burst of laughter.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with the words the choir are singing.

For more laughing couples visit my website

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