Wednesday 3 July 2013

Wedding garters, Brides and Bacchanalian guests.

      Many brides have a pretty garter under several petticoats and the yards of lace, satin, taffeta or brocade that go to make up a wedding dress. Often they are blue, they are sometimes borrowed but they are rarely flashed at the photographer until late in the evening when the party spirit takes hold.

A bride's garter, too pretty to be hidden
Another bride with a pretty garter 

     I’m often surprised how rarely guests turn weddings into bacchanalian revels. However there are a colourful few who prove the exception to the rule from unruly guests to disgraceful fathers of the bride. and then there are one or two bridegrooms, so anxious to join their mates and party that the first dance simply doesn't happen, of course there are no pictures of that! 

About to tuck in to his breakfast.
This stand in for the deceased father of the bride was taking his duties seriously.

Wedding, what wedding? Brides father with his mates, preparing to make his speech

Did I really say that?
The new bridegroom can't believe his ears but the bride is not surprised.
Judging by the look on his new son in law's face whatever he said was truly unacceptable.

And a good time was had by all

There was a roaring noise coming from this lot but they were beyond speech.

When the groom is well over six foot he needs a lot of friends
     The best revelry pics often come from jewish weddings as the groom's mates hoist him on their shoulders in the course of dancing the hava nageela. I'm not sure that anyone has to be drunk for this but I think it helps.

For more beautiful brides and revealing moments visit my website

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