Friday 1 February 2013


Wedding prospects. Butter wouldn't melt. 

Dear Parents,
        "As part of our current work on the theme 'happiness' we have arranged a class wedding to be held in the village church on Wednesday 6th February."
        I found a piece of paper containing this message on my doorstep this morning.
        Fate........ I decided. Instead of, (the more likely) little bit of carelessness from a neighbouring child.

        I do know that in the past I have attended dozens of of carol services, nativity plays, concerts and recitals from the 'oh so adorable' under 5 age group, each time anticipating enchantment, and nine times out of ten have been hideously disappointed.
        The choristers are never wearing the lovely red garments with the white surplices so beloved of TV shows, in fact half of them nowadays sport, scruffy grey hoodies so you can barely see their faces at all, let alone the expressions of religious rapture that I always conjure up, in my 'hope springs eternal' imagination. Instead legions of grubby, grimacing, nose picking, squinting little monsters, present themselves, resisting all attempts to turn them into Botticelli cherubs.

Wedding cherub. The exception that proves the rule.
This little angel was slightly overawed by the half a dozen grown up bridesmaids she had to share her mothers attention with on the day.

    Probably a good thing that these two were only having a laugh as they are brother and sister!
        But I think it's a charming and brave thing my village school is planning on doing.
        Now all I need to do is find the church and the time of the ceremony! And set about getting the various permissions necessary to attend.

Daddy's little princess before she got stuck into the ice cream and started crawling around the floor.

     From the enchanting baby put on the table for the camera by its doting father, to an army of flufflily dressed tots and tinies:

Wedding frills for a pair of bridesmaids
up to and including an elegantly gowned thirteen year old singing for the guests at her mother's ceremony, there is nothing that gives more pleasure to those participating at  a wedding than having their offspring appreciated by the assembled company.

Wedding songbird, delighting the guests .

For more grown up brides and grooms visit my website


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