Tuesday 29 January 2013

Vintage Wedding

29 January 2013

         A potential client contacted me this week and with one word turned me from a business like adult into a six year old, salivating, at seeing her first confectioners window (probably in France where they have all the sticky, chocolatty, goodies on display). What did she say?

She said, I’d like a sort of ‘Vintage’ look.
       "How lovely." I shrieked.

Ideal wedding material in these gorgeous little bonnets?
    From the sepia tones of the 1880’s through the muted colours of the 20’s and thirties to the sharp black and white of the forties and fifties all these presentation styles have their delights but they are as nothing to the possibilities they present in terms of era?

Wedding bliss according to the movies 1820's
       Could she be wearing a Jane Austen style dress, puff sleeves, a sweetheart neckline and one of those gorgeous, little bonnets that frame the face and turn every Miss Jones into Clara Bow?

Not a wedding, the sixtieth birthday party of the Fagan tribe's patriarch

Or could she be wearing something out of the 1900’s with large frilly skirts and even larger hats sprouting window boxes of flowers, feathers and frills. Like in this picture of my family in Ireland in the 1900’s.
     Look at all those pillars!
(So where is this house now? Why isn’t it mine? And where did all the money go?) 

I can surely be forgiven for a little curiosity? 

Two gorgeous  Catherine Dean modern wedding dresses in slinky 1920's  Downton Abbey style

      The only thing my potential bride has mentioned since my reaction to the word ‘vintage’ turned into semi-hysteria is that the dress is satin and very figure hugging. That does sound exactly like all those lovely slinky, 1910/1920 Downton Abbey gowns.

I can’t wait.

For more lovely brides and their stylish spouses go to my website.

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